The etheric body is the first layer of the aura after the physical body and can be seen as a bridge between the physical body and subtle bodies.
Connected with First #Chakra (#Root).
Since it is the closest to the physical body, it is the densest, but at a higher vibrational level than the physical body.
Etheric body gives vitality and organization to the physical body. It transmits energies of the higher bodies down to our physical consciousness. This is the layer that corresponds to the physical life, feelings, physical pleasure and pain, and physical health and wellbeing.
1st Layer: #Etheric
•Closest to the physical body
•Represents the physical body, muscles, tissues, bones, etc.
•Connected to the root chakra
•A bluish grey color
•Easiest to see with the naked eye
•Pulsates at 20 cycles per minute
•Stronger in athletes and those who are very active
•Weaker in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or when immunity is compromised
#Form and #Structure of the Etheric Body
Etheric body copies the form of the physical body and extends 1 to 5 cm around it. It vibrates at a frequency of 15-20 cycles per second. Its shape is composed of a plurality of power channels, called meridians.
These channels form a network on which rests the tissues of the physical body. Restrict any material is seen as a cavity in the etheric body. Something like-negative image of the physical body.This grid is primary and appears before the physical body. It is like a template, in which cells grow on the physical body.
Recommended: The Best 3 Ways in Protecting the Aura and Enhancing It
The etheric body is in constant motion. Its color can vary from whitish blue to dark blue. The lighter color means thinner ethereal layer. In weak and sensitive people is light blue, with a gross personality is rather gray.
This layer is invisible to most people, although this is the first thing you see when you start to practice viewing the aura.
#Stimulating the Etheric Body
Awareness of the etheric body is achieved by practices such as pranayama, tai chi, chi kung, Taoist yoga, or simply concentrate the mind on the idea of energy.
Respond to red and note “c” and belongs to the physical plane of existence."