We can quickly break down these seven subtle bodies as such: three physical realm lower bodies, three spiritual upper bodies, and the astral body that bridges the two; however, some practitioners place the astral body among the spiritual.
The #energies must pass through the astral plane and heart chakra, e.g. ‘The Fire of the Heart’ to be fully useful and communicative with the lower bodies. Particularly during states of #meditation, one has a stronger connection with the seven subtle bodies and the ability to foster healing and balancing of the chakras.
The #EthericBody: Of the seven subtle bodies, the Etheric body energy is only one-quarter to two inches beyond your physical self and resonates at nearly 20 cycles per minute. Kirlian photography allows the entire body to be perceived in generally a bluish the aura. Because the etheric body vibrates with and holds information pertaining to one’s physical health, energies can duplicate in the body.
The #EmotionalBody: Extending about 1-3 inches from the body, the Emotional layer is obviously where your feelings reside. Typically exhibited by a bright combination of rainbow hues, the field can appear muddled and dulled when negative emotions and feelings are present.
The #MentalBody: From 3-8 inches from the body exists the Mental, or third layer of the aura. Containing your ideas, mental processes, and thoughts, this layer is typically associated with hues of yellow light that radiates around the shoulders and head, slightly extending into lower regions of the body to communicate with other levels.
The #AstralLevel: Spreading about a foot from the body, the astral body represents the bridge to the spiritual realm and is the doorway to the astral plane. As with the emotional body, this field produces a myriad of color; however, because it’s strongly correlated to the heart chakra, more hues of pink are present in a loving individual.
The #EthericTemplateBody: A template that exists far before the physical body form, this is the template for what you know as the physical body and is thought to co-exist in a different dimension. Extending about a foot and a half from the body, the Etheric template is only visible to advanced healers and clairvoyants. The building block of healing the lower etheric body, this template boasts deep, blue hues possibly because it is a blueprint containing all the forms of the physical world, creating a negative space.
The #CelestialBody: Communication with the spiritual ream occurs here as do feelings of ecstasy and unconditional love. Often appearing as bright, shimmering opalescent colors, one becomes more aware of the Celestial body as they raise their vibrations, level of awareness, and #consciousness. As you work from the heart chakra to the sixth level, feelings of divine love and a connection with our fellow man become reality.
The Causal Body/Etheric Template: The seventh layer is the mental level of one’s spiritual plane and contains all the other bodies within it, extending three to five feet from the body. This field resembles and egg and it pulsates and vibrates at high speeds that are considered the Zero Point / God #Energy. A reflection of everything your soul has undergone, this is the link to the Divine and accepting your oneness with the" #universe. #SpiritualBae #CoachReenaNicole #ReenaNicole